July 9, 2011

Lev with younger kids from Uncle John

From  John Goertzel, Lev's Great Uncle


My last clear memories of Lev are from the gathering for Ariel  and Willie's wedding.  In addition to Lev's costume- the dark suit and kind of old fashioned adult man's hat-  the image of which I will always remember, I have a vivid memory of Lev and Ari, my son Mario's son, up on the roof of the boat house next to which the rehearsal dinner and gathering were happening. They were playing around, Lev in the lead.  The roof was large and low in slope and I judged them to be relatively safe. I hoped Ari's parents wouldn't discover him before he enjoyed what seemed to be a big adventure for him.


On several other occasions at the wedding and before I observed Lev playing with younger children.  He seemed to really enjoy this, his behavior wasn't entirely altruistic. I think he may have liked being the leader, the older kid for once, having grown up with an older brother.   But he wasn't bossy or mean and I know my grandkids really liked him.  A number of years ago Jaal and Lev went with Sue Ellen and I and Mario and Elizabeth and kids to a vacation rental house on Lake Quinault.  Lev played willingly with his younger cousins when he and Jaal were not busy building the raft they paddled with some success in the lake by the house. In his interest and enjoyment in playing with younger kids Lev reminds me of Mario as a child, which endears Lev to me. I sense a gentleness in these boys, perhaps even the desire to give a little something to make the little guys a bit happier.


Uncle John

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