Memories of Lev from Jeana Kimball, a family friend since before Lev was born
Tenacity, imagination, intelligence, curious
Levy in his socks, brown from dirt, stick in hand, yelling at the top of his lungs, under the clothesline at Sylvia's house
Levy up in the Monteverde tree house yelling at unseen enemies
Levy engrossed in his book, unaware of parents yelling to get this attention
Levy waist deep in water inside of a canoe in a storm, off Playa Hermosa, laughing amidst the danger of potential sinking from a broiling storm rolling down from the north.
Levy joining Tony in exploring Jewish roots, odd stick hut construction in Monteverde home
Levy's fouled socks greeting all visitors upon entering GoertzelMann home
Levy ferociously maneuvering the Trooper while sitting on Tony's lap; Lucas scared out of his wits, then surprised by Lev's talent for driving
Levy with the gall to take on his brother and brother's friend in argument, a formidable opponent, and refusing to cede an inch, even when Lev in error .
Levy happy to interact with adults, plenty of intellectual content to share, non-ageist
Levy at the table with John and Jeana and Tony and Rebecca, holding his own on whatever topic, and always curious
Levy and Jaal with new matching swimsuits that unfortunately trapped sand in lining. Both laughing at irony of fancy new swimsuits acting like anchors
Lev creating universes with a thousand words from a vocabulary of somebody 10 years his senior, in lieu of answering a yes or no question
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