July 19, 2011

a memory from his step Grandma Linda

Our Costa Rica vacations were a great time to get to know you all and spend quality time with Jaal and Lev. One time when you all went horseback riding (I think?), Lev and I were left alone at the beach for a bit. I shared with him how I was afraid of the waves and he told me I just have to dive right in and meet them head on . He was also my translator for restaurants and shops during this visit and both he and I took great delight in his greater knowledge and generous sharing of his language skills. (This was one of our first visits there when we went to the Pacific coast so he must have been 8?)
Our last visit there to the Caribbean coast my memory is the gift you guys gave Ted of the Spanish version of Monopoly, "Monopolio". We all played with quite intense competition going on for a long game (as Monopoly often is). Several times sometime wanted to drop out but we persevered with Lev accumulating more and more property and becoming more and more obnoxiously gleeful as he came closer and closer to being the last one standing. When he finally dominated there was a total eruption of jubilance as if he had won the Super Bowl and World Cup combined. It is great to think of him being THAT happy.


This reminds me of that New Year's eve in Playa Flamingo, where the famous Monopoly game took place. The resort we were staying in had pools, tennis courts, etc. 
The boys would get up early and play tennis with Grandpa Ted. We were there for New Year's and the hotel put on a party. At each table were about five bottles of liquor and then they had a bar that served soda and mixers. There was music, dancing, etc, but the best part for Jaal and Lev was jumping or getting thrown in the pool at midnight. 
There were several New Year's in Costa Rica where we were all partying together, with friends or family, and then jumping in the pool at midnight. It was great to be able to share those days as a family.  When they were little it was so special to stay up until midnight and get to drink soda with caffeine. 

(Our worst New Year's with Jaal was when he was two, and we were visiting Tijuana. We got the dates mixed up and slept right through it.  We were confused the next morning when there was party garbage in the streets and everything was closed.)


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