July 1, 2011

Lev and Meat

Lev was raised a vegetarian, but it became clear at an early age that it wouldn't last long.
At age 4 or 5, while at a barbecue at my mom's house he sat by the grill, asking
Charlene what she was cooking. He said the burgers smelled good and asked if he could have one. She told him to go in and ask his mom.

We kept him away from meat for a few more years. Around 8 he started eating chicken nuggets at Trevor's house, alhough we didn't know it at the time. He liked the idea of kilng and eating his on meat. jaal and Lev both liked bows and arrows, dart guns, etc, but only Lev wanted to actually hunt. He never did hurt anything, even when a deer walked in front of his target in our back yard.

The day we realized he wasn't a vegetarian anymore was when we were at an event, maybe a music concert, and we were going to go in to town to get some food. Lev went first, with Andrea and Marino, and we were going to meet him in town later. This was in Monteverde. It was a small town, so we could always find them.

When we walked in to town, walking up the final hill, there he was, sitting at a table in the Pollo Loco (crazy chicken), eating fried chicken. He liked it.

After that, when we went out to eat he would often order meat. He hated steak, but liked hamburgers, chicken burritos, fish.

Lev really enjoyed food. It was so much fun as his parent to make food that he liked because he was so excited and grateful.

burritos, pizza, cookies, pancakes, crepes, pie, pasta, quorn patties,bagels, and fruit

He also complained relentlessly when made to eat things he didn't like, like most cooked vegetables. Often before sitting down to dinner I would tell him he could complain twice and then it had to stop, unless of course it was one of his favorite meals. Then he would be joyous.

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