July 15, 2011

From Lev's friends on facebook around the one year anniversary

Melissa Wilkerson
One time Becky Higdon, Lev and I were riding bikes. We decided to go to the park by the library. Lev tried to get us girls to ride the teeter-totter, but we wouldn't since it was soaking wet. So to solve the problem Lev sat on it first, his pants soaking up all the water on the seat. When Lev stood up he shook his butt at us, exclaiming "Look at my squishy butt!"

Keith Cooper
While teaching at Moteverde Friends School my daily walk home from work down the trail that led to your back yard found Lev ready and waiting to take me down with whatever make-shift sword he could find. This frequently led to long drawn out battles which he always won.

Chrisopher black
my favorite was all the great times in digi com and how he always made people laugh.

Shannon M Finn
The time he made the worlds largest rubber band and smacked me in the face with it numerous times. Then stomped on my feet. We got on great :D

Terry Matthews
back in middle school some guy was bein a jerk to one of levs friends and lev got so mad and shoved a table with three people on it, ya know one of those big tables and later on lev tried to make nice with the guy and the guy was like im sorry im sorry, ill never do it again

Sarah Curtin
Back in middle school, he used to play pranks on Mr. Ypma and narrate everything I did with his friend. I acted annoyed but it would always make me laugh. I never really got to truly know him, but what I do know was even though he didn't know it, he was a difference maker. And he still is.

Tanner Comstock
‎"When everyone turns in the assignment, that's a good clue that you better get started on it." -Lev Mann

Lacey Fletcher
There are a lot of memories with Lev I can think of, but I do enjoy the one were he told me he sent my phone a virus and when I read the message it said AIDS I couldn't help but crack up laughing.

Derek Laird
A couple days before he passed Dave Alberto and i hung out with him. Although i don't have a whole lot of stories of him (being that him and i weren't too close) i thought that he was pretty cool. I can fondly look back on that time and smile because of him. Wish i got to know him better.

Elany Corado
In middle school me and him would always argue about who was right over every little thing. Heh. It was a lot of fun because neither of us would ever admit when we were wrong.

Tyler Christian
8th Grade- We had a "Drama" class, he was the best at the game "If you really loved me..."

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