September 23, 2010

This is a picture from the Honors English field trip in 8th grade. Lev was the only one of us who would sit on the statues lap. English was how we first met. We actually first started talking because of a flashcard. The word was Odorous, so I drew a picture of a guy that had little green stink lines coming off of him. Mr. Doorman promptly picked it up and said "Melissa it wasn't very nice of you to draw a picture of Lev"


  1. Lev loved Mr. Doorman. We often had arguments at home that ended with my saying, "I don't care what Mr. Doorman said."
    Lev did have a powerful stink about him. He was a reliable deodorant user, yet he often overpowered it. He was proud of his odor. He thought it was manly and powerful. If I told him he smelled, he would promptly try to shove his underarm in my face and go, "ha ha ha."

  2. I actually sorta felt bad when Mr.Doorman said that. The picture looked nothing like Lev. But it was deffinatley worth a few laughs.


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