A while back, Seether was scheduled to play an all-ages show at the Showbox in Seattle. Both kids really liked that band, so I went ahead and got tickets. Lev was 11 years old, and it was going to be his first rock show. He was psyched! Well, at the last minute they moved the show to a *much* smaller venue, El Corazon. This meant it was going to be completely packed, which was definitely not my plan. When we got there we saw it was going to be a little crazy. We found some seats up front, in a semi-protected zone behind the handicapped section. When Seether started everyone went nuts and started jumping around. Lev was having a great time but was also a bit nervous about the chaos, as was I. But I did what I could to shield him and it all worked out fine. Luckily the security guys kept removing folks who were completely out of hand.
The show was really amazing, loud and tons of energy. Afterward Lev was glowing from the experience. I am sure he never forgot it.